Prof. Mirosława El Fray
The Cofounder & CEO
Recognized expert in the field of polymeric biomaterials engineering. She is coauthor of patented technologies and materials for
extracorporeal heart assist devices and minimally invasive surgical techniques. She has been collaborating with domestic and foreign universities, including the University of Warsaw, the University of Akron, and the New Jersey Center for Biomaterials (USA). She completed a number of projects in cooperation with companies like DePuy Johnson & Johnson, Uniqema/Croda, Honda Europe, Philips. The scientific achievements of prof. El Fray include more than 250 publications, including 90 publications in journals from the Journal Citations Reports, 7 granted patents and 5 patent applications (including the EU and the USPTO).

Tomasz Łasecki
Has 15 years of experience in technology transfer and business development. Helped to build number of technology startups (biotech, electronics & IT). He has managed a leading business angels network in Poland and is a managing partner in POMERANGELS coinvestment fund.

Agata Goszczyńska
Chief Technology Officer
Doktor nauk technicznych w dziedzinie technologii chemii organicznej. Swoje doświadczenie opiera na pracy w interdyscyplinarnych międzynarodowych i krajowych projektach, łączących wszystkie trzy dziedziny chemii, tj. chemii nieorganicznej, organicznej i polimerów.
Dodatkowo, w pracy wykorzystuje zdobyte doświadczenie podczas naukowego stażu w
Philips Research Eindhoven (Holandia) oraz na studiach podyplomowych z zakresu
systemów zarządzania jakością.